Deep appreciation goes to all who have contributed a total of over $11,000 to the TON of Hope Children’s Book Project, making possible the initial printing and distribution of From the Ground and UP in the United States. Funds now need to be raised for immediate next steps of the Project: printing in English in Palestine, translation of the book into Arabic and other languages, and increasingly broad dissemination of the book.
As the Project grows, we anticipate that readers will discover many uses for the book: (1) an interactive educational and inspirational experience for child and adult readers, as individuals or in groups; (2) dissemination of information about Tent of Nations; (3) promotion of TON’s message of Faith, Hope, Love, and Sumud to bring about empowerment, peace, and justice.
We invite your continuing support of Tent of Nations and the Book Project. Tax-exempt contributions may be made through our fiscal agent, Trinity Las Americas United Methodist Church in Des Moines, Iowa.
Checks should be made payable to:
Trinity Las AmericasMemo: TON Book Project
Mail to: Richard Nordin, TON Book Project,
Trinity Las Americas United Methodist Church, P.O. Box 41005, Des Moines, IA 50311
Acknowledgments will be sent to donor:
All donors will receive a complimentary copy of the book, From the Ground and UP, as a thank you gift.
Thank You! – TON of Hope Children’s Book Project