Emergency Updates

2015 Tree of Life Conference How Can WE Be Agents of Change to Secure Human Rights for Palestinians and Israelis? In this conference, we will hear from Israeli, Palestinian and American voices of conscience who will help us understand that in the long struggle toward justice and peace in the Holy Land, the fulcrum of […]

By Jonathan Cook Global Research, September 08, 2015 Jonathan Cook: The View from Nazareth 8 September 2015 Nearly half a million Palestinian pupils go on strike in Israel as Netanyahu government digs in heels against independent church schools Thousands of Arab schools in Israel went on strike on Monday, their 450,000 pupils remaining at home, as the Israeli government geared […]

Spring 2015 Newsletter – Number 19 UPDATE FROM DAOUD – February 20, 2015 Dear Friends, Greetings from all of us at the Tent of Nations.Because of your support, it is always exciting for me to update you about the status of the farm and the work we are doing here. We started this year with new […]

Steve France – August 2015 In July, three of us stopped by Daoud Nassar’s hilltop farm, Tent of Nations, near Bethlehem.  Daher Nassar, the eldest brother, found us picking our way through the boulders and broken rocks strewn on the road by the surrounding settlers to block access to the farm.  Daher gladdened us with […]

 Congressional Briefing Packs the House! Watch the briefing here. On June 2, the No Way to Treat a Child Campaign held a Congressional Briefing in the North Congressional Meeting room at the Capitol Visitor’s Center. US Representative Keith Ellison provided the welcome to the standing-room-only event for 130 people, including staffers from over 30 Congressional […]

Reflections from Kay Israel/Palestine Trip May 17-21, 2015  Bill is light; I am dark.  Bill is up; I am down.  Guess which one of us is full of hope and which one is full of despair. This is how we see the world – through very different lenses – and this is why my reflections […]

Fall 2014 Newsletter Update from Daoud – October 20, 2014: (Here is a synopsis of what has been happening on the ground since the destruction of the trees on May 19, 2014.) Greetings – After we brought the case before the Israeli Supreme Court regarding the destruction of our trees on private land in May 2014, […]

  Dear Justice Advocates, In Gaza, severe winter weather is worsening the deplorable living conditions as residents struggle to survive following the devastating summer war. UNRWA, the United Nations agency assigned to help Palestinian refugees, reported this month: “Already, the incredibly harsh winter in Gaza has claimed the lives of five babies….homeless refugees run the […]

Pro-Israeli, Pro-Palestinian, Pro-Jesus by Ryan Rodrick Beiler | March 2015 Evangelicals are no longer automatically taking a one-sided approach to conflict in the Middle East STUN GRENADES AND tear gas bombs exploded in the street outside of Bethlehem Bible College, forcing Rev. Alex Awad to end his class early. Down the block, youth threw stones at the Israeli […]

By Ben White http://www.thehindu.com/opinion/op-ed/how-many-nakbas/article6246079.ece More than ever, there is a need today to understand the Israel-Palestine conflict Gaza burns while the international community sits quietly, doing nothing about it. Israel has bombarded the territory for two weeks, killing more than 700 Palestinians and wounding well over 3,000. As I write this, I am aware that […]

Writing from the West Bank, Sarah Levy explains the source of spiraling violence in East Jerusalem–provocations and deadly assaults by Israeli soldiers and settlers alike. November 19, 2014 TENSIONS WERE already at the boiling point in Jerusalem after weeks of Israeli provocations when two Palestinian men attacked a synagogue on the morning of November 18, […]

Update from Daoud – October 20, 2014: (Here is a synopsis of what has been happening on the ground since the destruction of the trees on May 19, 2014.) Greetings – After we brought the case before the Israeli Supreme Court regarding the destruction of our trees on private land in May 2014, the Supreme Court […]

Here is the latest news from Daoud on the court cases brought before the Israeli Supreme Court in June 2014 regarding the re-registration of the land and the bulldozing of trees on May 19, 2014. Dear Friends of Tent of Nations, We are still waiting for the response from the military authorities to the Israeli […]

A Day in Gaza PC(USA) mission co-worker visits partner hospital during ceasefire August 13, 2014 Special to Presbyterian News Service Kate Taber PC(USA) mission co-worker GAZA [PNS] Editor’s note: The Rev. Kate Taber is a mission co-worker for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). She is serving in Israel/Palestine as facilitator for peacemaking and mission partnerships. On Aug. 11, she had the […]

Update From Daoud – July 22, 2014 My Dear Friends, Thanks so much for all your Emails, concerns and prayers.  We are safe and staying on the farm for safety’s sake. It is a heavy time for us and especially for the people of Gaza. We are following the news daily, and we are seeing […]

Israel Continues Genocide, Ethnic Cleansing of Gaza http://whtt.org/israel-continues-genocide-ethnic-cleansing-of-gaza/ Posted by Charles E Carlson      July 22, 2014 Israel Invades: Takes lives, Destroys Sustaining Infrastructure Recently Israel shelled a beach near two of Gaza City’s hotels. Twelve years ago, I dined with Gaza friends in one of those hotels overlooking that same beach. Israel’s shelling killed four […]

Update From Daoud – June 19, 2014 Dear friends, Greetings from all of us at the Tent of Nations. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. We are still receiving Emails, letters and phone calls from friends and people who are concerned about our situation. It is great to see how people […]

http://www.israellawresourcecenter.org/internationallaw/studyguides/sgil3.htm This was done by the International Law Resource Center in Washington, DC and is provided for information only. The following was provided by a friend of FOTONNA: *The Leahy Law prohibits assistance to individuals or units of any > foreign military or police body that commit gross human rights abuses; > > * > […]

And the soldier’s child asked his soldier-father, “What did you do today, daddy?” His reply, “I drove a bulldozer today.” “Was it fun, daddy?” “Oh, yes – it was lots of fun!” “What did you do with the bulldozer, daddy?” “I helped dig a big pit in the ground of our enemy – helped knock […]

FOTONNA Emergency Response Plans Information Letter, Timeline of Events and Sample Appeal Letter Dear Friends of Tent of Nations, We are writing this letter to call for action against acts of injustice by the Israeli Military towards the Nassar family farm and theirTent of Nations Peace Project.  This farm (known as Daher’s Vineyard) is located […]

Message from Daoud – April 7, 2014: We send greetings from all of us at Tent of Nations. Thank you so much for your prayers, for the words of encouragement and your continuous support. It is a critical time we are in as Palestinians. Very soon, the timeframe for the negotiations comes to an end […]

Dear Friends, We would like to share with you the latest news from the Tent of Nations, the situation on the ground, our concerns, but also our hope and how the project is moving forward. Political Situation The peace talks started again a couple of months ago but still we don’t see any positive outcome. […]

Dear Friends, You have placed your name in our email address list indicating your interest in hearing more about Daoud Nassar and his peace project in the West Bank – Tent of Nations.  Thank you so much for attending his presentation and bearing witness to his story of struggle and faith in the face of […]

Dear Friends – As 2012 comes to a close, it is a time to reflect on a year of upheaval and ongoing change in the Middle East.  We also need to look at things that never seem to change, such as:  the Nassar Family’s continued work based on deep faith and strong convictions to non-violence […]

Dear Friends, It has been a while since you received our last update about the Tent of Nations and our struggle for justice.  We would like to share with you the latest news from the Tent of Nations, the situation on the ground, our concerns, but also our hope and how the project is moving […]

NOTES FROM DAOUD – Here is the background statement from Daoud dated February 14, 2012 for those who do not know the events on the ground in the past month or so. Dear Friends, Today, the 14th of February at 1:30 PM and as we were working on our land, specifically in the Tree of […]

NOTES FROM DAOUD – The political situation is tenser now; many people are waiting for what is going to happen at the end of this month. It is becoming a daily subject to talk about, although all political windows seem to be closed, and September is a bad month for the Palestinians.  But, still miracles […]

Spring 2011 Dear Friends – Greetings from the Tent of Nations! Once again here is a short update of our situation; what has been going on over the past few months and our future plans. It is sad to say that the news that is coming out from our region is still very bad.  We […]

It is with deep sorrow that I write this newsletter.  The events in Egypt and Tunisia have been bittersweet up to this point in time, and there is no way of knowing how they will affect the situation in the neighboring countries or in Israel/Palestine.  We can only hold our collective breath and hope and […]

UPDATED INFORMATION ON HOW YOU AND YOUR CHURCH/ORGANIZATION CAN HELP: As you can see below, we are more than half way there!  People continue to be very generous; however, there are still one-time projects that need your support.  Shared donations can make a huge difference in whether these projects can be funded or not.  Please […]

Speaking for the FOTONNA Steering Committee, I want to say that we feel so very privileged and honored to be a small part of the Nassar family’s work in their pursuit of Peace with Justice through the projects at Tent of Nations.  We are left in awe at the tireless work this family performs, and […]