Bill is active in the work of his Quaker community, especially in the area of peace seeking. He maintains a connection with Interfaith Peace-Builders (IFPB) and is on the Policy Committee of the Friends Committee for National Legislation. He is a Trustee of the Baltimore Yearly Meeting, Quakers, and is a member of the Israel-Palestine working group of the Yearly Meeting.
Bill first visited Daoud’s land in 2006 as an IFPB delegate. He returned in 2008 and 2010 in order to touch the land and remain familiar with the situation in Israel/Palestine. In 2008, he co-facilitated a course in empowerment at the Bent al Reef Women’s Center along with Bill Plitt.
He has followed the situation in Palestine for several years. When Bill went to see things with his own eyes in 2006, he found he could not NOT do something. Thanks to his involvement with FOTONNA, he has been able to work for Justice in a small way.