Tour Options for Visiting Israel/Palestine:
You may want to visit Israel/Palestine but are uncertain how to go about it. It may be too complicated to travel alone or even put together a tour for your friends or your church members. There are, however, viable tour options available for individuals or couples or a few interested parties to take advantage of and join in.
We want to encourage you to check out the following website and “Go and See” and then “Come and Tell” others about your experiences there. You can trust that any of the tours we recommend will be professionally led and will take you to a wide variety of sites in both Israel and the West Bank; you will meet both Palestinians and Israelis who are seeking Peace with Justice – something we are all working towards.
Telos Group –
Telos’ signature Holy Land trips enable influential Americans to personally encounter multiple Israeli and Palestinian narratives as they build authentic relationships with significant local leaders in business, media, health care, education, human rights, faith, culture, and politics. Telos guides expertly balance and interpret these meetings so that, by the end of each trip, participants grasp the basic issues of the conflict and a variety of perspectives and emotions.
Simply stated, our senior leaders’ broad experience, deep credibility, and trusted friendships with key stakeholders at every level of both Israeli and Palestinian societies enable us to introduce and explain the Holy Land in high-touch ways that no one else can.