December 2020

Many thanks to Bill and Kay Plitt* for their many years of work with the Nassars to build an international community working to “create a better, more tolerant, peaceful world.  In these challenging times, your song, “Loving Acts of Kindness” is a wonderful gift to the FOTONNA family.

Click here to listen to the RECORDING of Kay and Bill, singing “Loving Acts of Kindness”***

Loving Acts of Kindness

Capo 3 – sounds in Bb

|G            –            –                   –              |Am     –          –       – |
Lov – ing acts of kind – ness make the world what it is
|C          –                  D7             –        |G  –   –   – |
There are qui – et serv – ants ‘round us, so it seems.
|G           –                 –    –        |Am    –                  –      – |
In times of great un – rest they work end – less – ly,
|C              –          D7           –             |G  –  –  –  |
Re – stor – ing faith in our hu – man – i – ty.

|G                 –              –                 –          |Am            –              –          – |
1. The     clerk   be –   hind the    coun  – ter, who   greets you with  a    smile,
2.            Health care  work – ers risk their lives     each  and   eve – ry   day
3. The     young babe leaves the shel  –  ter    of    moth – er’s lov – ing   arms
4. In        our house,   as   in     yours per – haps, a small dog  wan-ders free;
5.            Fam – ‘ly,   friends and kindly stran – gers help   a –  long  the  way.
6. When  lead-ers    seek  to   serve them-selves and mock the rule  of  law

|C            –                   D7             –               | G  –  –  –  |
1. Let – ter          car  –  riers    bring – ing  news from home
2. To    help  re – store    the    life   that   you  once   had.
3. And  ven-tures on      her     own   in  –  to    the     yard.
4. He    barks  at  cats    and    squir-rels  fre – quent- ly.
5. To    get us     through some ver  –  y    try – ing      times,
6.         Or – din – ar  –  y           folk   will   rise    to        say,

|G                –                –          –              |Am            –             –         –   |
1.  A     neigh – bor who takes time to say, “Just wond’ring how you are,”
2.          Not  com – plain – ing, nev-er wav’ring,  fight – ing  for  your  life
3.  She  points  to  birds there fly – ing, ——  so high   up     in   the  sky,
4.  Then leaps in –  to   our    laps ————-  to claim his  right  – ful place
5.  With  grace and with hu – mil – i – ty     and   lov – ing      at –  ti  – tude
6. “No    mat-ter     what our col   – or, ———– our faith    or   how  we  pray,

|C                 –             D7                –            |G     –    –    –   |
1. And  phone calls from our dear friends near and far.
2. Real he  –  roes   of   the    day   re   –   duce our strife.
3. And  smiles and  waves at eve – ry       pas – ser- by.
4. Re –  stor  –  ing    or – der  to      our     time  and space.
5. We   owe   them   all    a   debt   of       gra  – ti  – tude.
6. “To  –  geth  –  er   we can  find    a        bet  – ter way!”

*Bill and Kay served as FOTONNA leaders from the organization’s founding until 2021. That year Kay retired from caring for most of the essential support work for FOTONNA. Bill continues to serve as FOTONNA Steering Committee Senior Consultant and Historian.