Make a Contribution

Make a Contribution

There are two avenues for making a financial contribution to support the work of Tent of Nations. 

I. Contribute directly to Friends of Tent of Nations North America (FOTONNA) either by check or online via PayPal.

To donate directly to FOTONNA by check, download our printable FOTONNA-contribution-form: please print the form, fill it in, and mail together with your check (payable to FOTONNA) to:

Beth Moore, FOTONNA Finance Director
3436 East Ave S
La Crosse, WI 54601

To donate directly to FOTONNA by credit card or PayPal (Note – Donations sent directly to FOTONNA are NOT tax deductible):

II. If you want your gift to be tax deductible under US tax law, Contribute through our Fiscal Sponsor: Tree of Life Educational Fund (TOLEF). To utilize this option, your gift must be $250.00 or more. Online and mail options are available.

Click here to open FOTONNA’s donation page on the Tree of Life Educational Fund website where you will find:

  • A secure Online option for credit card donations.
  • A downloadable Tax-deductible Contribution Form to print, fill in, and mail with your check to TOLEF at the address on the form.
  • Instructions for having a check sent directly from your financial institution to Tree of Life Educational Fund from your IRA, a Donor Advised Fund, or other financial vehicle.

Thank you for your donation. Know that we deeply appreciate each gift, and that it will make a difference for the Tent of Nations/Nassar Family Farm.

If you have questions about either of these options for giving, please contact Beth Moore, FOTONNA Finance Director at