Update from Daoud Nassar

May 15, 2023

Dear Friends,

This is a short update about the court session today regarding the re-registration of our farm.

The committee heard the testimony of our neighboring landowners regarding the ownership of our land. The neighbors testified that they have always known that my father is the owner of the land adjacent to their land ever since they were children. One neighbor who is 82 years old, testified that he has been farming his land for 68 years, ever since he was 14 when his father died. He has always known my father as the owner and witnessed him and then his children working the land throughout this period. The other neighbor also testified that he has always known that we are his neighbors ever since he was a small child.

The committee also heard the testimony of a land expert witness on our behalf who testified that the land deeds provide undisputed proof of our ownership of the land.

The land reregistration committee set another date for the continuation of the testimony of the neighbors and my own testimony for the 6th of September 2023.

I want to thank you for all your prayers, for your solidarity with our just cause and for your continuous support.

The journey for justice will continue with faith, love and hope.
