Mission Statement: Friends of Tent of Nations North America (FOTONNA), an all-volunteer corporation, has been established to create a living bridge to Tent of Nations (TON), a peace project located in the West Bank.
- Support the Nassar family’s use of legal and non-violent resistance tactics in order to develop and maintain the family’s ancestral lands and to continue the work of TON;
- Raise funds for TON projects;
- Raise awareness of TON’s efforts to be a role model for solving the Israeli/Palestinian conflict through the use of non-violent methods;
- Assist in shaping U.S. policy in the region by sharing information with members of Congress and the State Department that has been gathered through personal visits to the land and from stories told by Palestinians and Israelis currently struggling for a just peace;
- Build “bridges of understanding” by raising awareness in the United States about the conditions of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the extremely negative impact that living under Israeli Occupation has on all people in the region; and
- Help build “bridges of peace” and work to bring dignity and sustainability to all of the Palestinian people when the Israeli Occupation of Palestinian land is ended.
Implementation Strategies to carry out the Mission and Goals of FOTONNA:
- Initiate fact-finding activities, including site visits to TON on a regular basis;
- Provide materials/packets for educational and fundraising activities by ‘Friends’ in their own communities who have witnessed the conditions under the Occupation or who have attended formal tour presentations;
- Partner with other peace and justice organizations for outreach purposes;
- Plan two tours a year (spring and fall) in order for the Nassar family to share their story and educate people to the reality on the ground;
- Review and adopt fundraising and networking technologies (website, Face book, etc.) to help spread the word about our work; and
- Work with the Advisory Council that was established in 2011 to support FOTONNA’s goals and mission by broadening knowledge of TON and encouraging direct action on behalf of TON through use of our Emergency Response Plan (ERP).