Dear Friends:
Please Act to Support the Tent of Nations. Your prompt attention will mean a lot.
As Daoud Nassar mentioned in his most recent update to the Friends of Tent of Nations, a re-registration hearing has been scheduled for February 12, 2023. FOTONNA believes it is important to continue advocating for Tent of Nations (TON) with our elected officials leading up to this hearing with the Israeli Military Authority. Please contact your senators and representative—ask them to urge State Department officials to communicate the urgency of the Nassar family’s re-registration process with Israel’s Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories (CGAT).
Click here for the phone call script and email template for contacts with Members of Congress. We are also offering a template you can send to your Representative and Senators proposing sample language they could use for their communication with Secretary of State Blinken. Click here for that template.
Use these links to obtain the contact information for your elected representatives:
Your personal witness about hearing the Tent of Nations story or visiting the farm gives your advocacy gravity—include a brief statement about these experiences in your phone call or email.
We are so grateful for your support for Tent of Nations. We know that the work we have done together over the past two years has made a difference. You have educated your senators and representatives about the TON; in some cases, those elected officials have communicated your concerns with State Department officials, who have subsequently become engaged with the TON.
With the new Israeli government preparing to annex the entirety of the West Bank, we need to double our efforts with inform our elected officials about injustices that are occurring. The years of delayed justice experienced by the Nassars is a microcosm of what is happening throughout Palestine.
The proposed changes to the judicial system in Israel, restricting the right of Palestinians to access the Israeli Supreme Court would have dire consequences for the Nassars. If the Committee refuses to re-register the Nassars’ land, their access to appeal this decision will be closed.
Thank you for walking on the FOTONNA road for justice with the Nassars!
The FOTONNA Steering Committee