As you can see below, we are more than half way there! People continue to be very generous; however, there are still one-time projects that need your support. Shared donations can make a huge difference in whether these projects can be funded or not. Please let Kay Plitt (kayplitt@comcast.net) know how you can be of help. We will update the list on our website as projects are financed. Checks should be made out to: FOTONNA – Mailed to: FOTONNA – c/o Kay Plitt – 5621 N. 9th Road – Arlington, VA 22205.
Remember: Expenses for the usual projects are still ongoing.
Project |
Cost |
Donation by: |
Amount of Donation |
Amount Left to be Covered |
Kitchen needs:
$6,000 |
Trinity Presbyterian Church – Arlington, VA United Methodist Foundation – Northern Illinois Conference – SisBro Covenant Group |
$4,000 |
-0- |
Wine Press +:
$929 |
Members of Trinity Episcopal Church – |
$400 |
$1,842 |
Cafeteria (Peace Café) Improvements:
$4,000 |
$4,000 |
Maintenance Workshop:
$7,000 |
$7,000 |
First Aid Station:
$1,000 |
St. Agnes Catholic Church – Social Concerns Committee – Shepherdstown, WV Individuals – WV Individuals – IA Individuals – VA |
$300 $100 $100 |
-0- |
Water Pumps:
$1,500 |
Holy Land Christians Society (Grant) |
$1,500 |
-0- |
Children’s Center at Women’s Education Center:
$2,000 |
Holy Land Christians Society (Grant) |
$2,000 |
-0- |
Library at TON:
$500 |
Individual donors from the Chicago area |
$500 |
-0- |
Part-time cook and dishwasher: |
*$300 a month |
Ongoing Need |
*$25,742 |
$12,900 |
$12,842 |
FALL 2010 U.S. TOUR – Please try to attend any of the OPEN presentations if you live nearby.
Nov. 3, 2010 – 7:00-8:00 PM – St. Bonaventure University – Olean, NY
Franciscan Center for Social Concern and Clare College – Open Event
Nov. 4, 2010 – 7:00-8:30 PM – Rochester, NY
Immanuel Baptist Church/Downtown Presbyterian Church Justice Ministry Team
815 Park Avenue
Rochester, NY (Corner of Park and Brunswick) – Open Event
Nov. 5, 2010 – Syracuse, NY
2:00-3:30 PM – Syracuse University – 060 Eggers Hall – Closed Event
7:00-8:30 PM – University Methodist Church
Corner of E. Genesee Street and University Avenue – Open Event
Nov. 6-9, 2010 – Amherst, MA – (several university settings which will be Closed Events for particular classes)
Nov, 8 , 2010 – 6:00-8:00 PM – Amherst University – Open Event (call for details – 646-245-7205 – after Nov. 6)
Nov. 10, 2010 – Minneapolis, MN
Morning class at University of Minnesota – Closed Event
Lunch – Macalester College – Closed Event
3:30-5:00 PM – University of Minnesota – Open Event (call for details – 646-245-7205 – after Nov. 9)
7:00-8:30 PM – Private Home Event – Closed Event
Nov. 11-14, 2010 and Nov. 17-18, 2010 – Los Angeles, CA
– Too many events to list here – please call me at 646-245-7205 after Nov. 11 if you live in the area and really wish to attend one of Daoud’s presentations.
Nov. 15, 2010 – 8:30-9:30 PM – Pomona College – Claremont, CA
CMC Arabic Department – Closed Event
Nov. 16, 2010 – 11:45 AM-12:45 PM – Pomona College
Oldenborg Center for International Relations – Oldenborg Dining Hall – Open Event
Nov. 17, 2010 – Noon-1:00 PM – Pomona College
Athenaeum at CMC – Closed Event
Website of Importance:
You will find an incredible program with an updated/ongoing map of the settlement activity in the West Bank if you go to: www.peacenow.org/map. We highly recommend that you check this out, especially in light of the state of the negotiations/non-negotiations for peace in that region today.
UPDATE ON THE FARM – October 22, 2010
As Daoud prepares for his Fall 2010 Tour, he is being kept very busy, so I will give a very brief recap of what we know so far relative to the land issue
- Lots of construction going on outside the farm area – settlements expand without break.
- Many, many visitors – as usual – keeping the family busy at work.
- Made the move to a larger, more centrally-located house in Nahalin for the Women’s Education Center – room for a child care center that is funded in part by the grant from the Holy Land Christians Society.
- An additional cistern has been completed.
- Cave renovation continues as the need arises.
- Daoud and Jihan and children have moved to a larger apartment in Bethlehem.
- A very successful tour by Daoud that reached many people in Germany and Austria was completed during the month of September; he spoke to many young university and college students and church groups. The German government is very much involved in the support of TON and is actively pursuing a solution to the problem of possible demolition of structures on the farm.
- The Nassar children are thriving in their schools – top of their classes in academics – the girls are playing the piano with heart and soul and Bishara loves building with his Lego sets.
- They are pursuing the start-up of the Sustainable Agriculture Training Program that the United Palestinian Appeal is sponsoring – will keep you updated on the progress.
- The Israeli Military Court had requested a 60-day extension from the Israeli Supreme Court that stretched from early August to early October. They wanted more time to make the case to support their demolition orders. They then requested an additional 60-day extension that is up on December 3, 2010. No one is quite sure what the outcome is going to be, so please be prepared for the possibility of another letter-writing campaign. The last one had a huge impact on the situation; you can be pleased that your efforts helped in the support of this cause.
The family is thriving, even though it is still difficult. They are grateful for the financial and spiritual support you all provide, and we will be sending out a report on the progress being made as they start the work on the various projects you have so generously paid for out of your donations.
Note: If you are receiving this Newsletter by mail, it would be very helpful if you would be willing to send us your E-mail information so we could share the NL electronically. We do not share your E-mail information with anyone. There are about 200+ names on our snail-mail list which translates into about 3-4 hours of our time and around $100+ for stamps and paper/envelopes for each mailing (about $500+ a year that we donate to FOTONNA). You could simply send us an email with the information to: kayplitt@comcast.net. If you want your name removed from our list, just let us know.
Thank you, as always – FOTONNA Steering Committee