March 18, 2019 –
This will be less a Newsletter and more like a short TON update in addition to giving you all a new mailing address (temporary) for donations or other communications.
Here is the latest message sent to our Advisory Council Members:
March 8, 2019
Dear Friends,
It’s been some time since you have heard from us, and I am sorry to have created such a void. (I guess, these days, no news is good news?) You’ll soon see why the apparent gap.
The news from the farm is that there was good rain this winter, lots of visitors to the land already, a long-term team of volunteers has begun work, and brother, George Nassar, has arrived (as per usual from February-May) to prune and provide care for the trees. At this reporting, there has been no response by the authorities to the appeals against the demolition orders of late last year. In the meantime, the family has reinitiated the application process for registering the land, once gain.
(P.S. Daoud let us know that they found three more demolition orders on the land in early March; they were left there in December and the typical 45-day appeal process had come and gone. They are appealing, nonetheless, and we will let you know new details on this as soon as we hear from Daoud. You may need to prepare to respond with our Emergency Response Plan if the appeals are turned down; please wait to hear what Daoud wants us to do.)
As for us at FOTONNA, Beth Moore, our Tour Coordinator, has completed arrangements for a limited tour this June in the community of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Mary Kay Turner, one of our long-time Advisory Council members, is hosting a series of events there. Jihan, Daoud’s wife, will join him on this tour. See details below (still in flux):
Note: Daoud and Jihan are actually travelling from June 14th (first to Germany for speaking engagements and then a large conference at which they will do a workshop.) They will spend time with family in Cincinnati after leaving Germany and before going to Jackson Hole.
June 27-July 1: Jackson Hole, Wyoming – Daoud and Jihan. Mary Kay is taking the lead with the plans. There is a large Presbyterian Church that wants Daoud on Sunday the 30th. (They have had people visit the farm.) Mary Kay will host a dinner in her home on Friday, the 28th. She is hoping for a venue at the Episcopal Church on the 27th, and perhaps something at the Catholic Church. She has asked both Daoud and Jihan to bring grant applications/ proposals for water projects and the Women’s Center. Bill and Beth will accompany them.
November 4-15 – (Approximate) in Iowa
The Evangelical Lutheran Church is taking the lead in securing venues and already has several at various colleges and churches.
Two of the three synods are “hosting.”
Finally, Kay and I are officially announcing our move to Peachtree City, GA, located about 30 miles south of Atlanta, on March 29. We will be closer to one of our sons and his family, but we will also still be fully connected to FOTONNA and TON. Any mail can be sent to:
c/o Jeff Plitt – 200 Skiff Trace – Peachtree City, GA 30269.
Steering Committee members are located in Virginia, Oregon, Arizona and Wisconsin, so why not Georgia, too? You will need to use Bill’s cell phone number to connect directly with us: 703-505-6235. We will let you all know when we have landed at a firm new address (hopefully by the end of April or mid-May).
Thank you so much for your continuing interest in our work together to build a world more compassionate and loving.
On behalf of the FOTONNA Steering committee – Love and Peace – Bill Plitt – Co-founder/Executive Director of Friends of Tent of Nations North America
Thanks for all you do – Kay Plitt