Volunteer at the Tent of Nations
What Can We Do to Support the Tent of Nations?
Many of you have asked this question over the last few months. The physical presence of volunteers on the land is one thing that has protected the land and the family. That presence has been lacking over the past two years due to the pandemic. With travel opening again, it is becoming possible for volunteers to travel to Palestine and work alongside the family on the farm. There is a great deal of work to be done to repair the land from the fire and the physical destruction of facilities on the farm that has occurred during the past 18 months. And volunteers and the family are beginning to plant trees.
While visitors are always welcome, and pilgrimage groups are beginning to schedule visits to the farm once again, it is volunteers willing to be present for two weeks or more who are most needed. To learn more about volunteering at Tent of Nations, visit the volunteer section of their web site http://www.tentofnations.org/volunteer/ and read the related tabs which answer many questions about expectations, roles, timing, travel etc. After reading the information, a first step on the volunteer journey is to complete the application and send it to Daoud Nassar.
Patience and flexibility will be keys to your functioning in this fast changing situation. (But we know these are skills you have been practicing in the midst of the pandemic.) So, consider this opportunity to be in solidarity with the Nassar family and TON, and let others know of it.
If you want to connect with someone who volunteered at the farm for a summer, please contact Andie Sweetman – andie.sweetman@gmail.com, FOTONNA’s volunteer coordinator.