Update From Daoud – July 22, 2014
My Dear Friends,
Thanks so much for all your Emails, concerns and prayers. We are safe and staying on the farm for safety’s sake.
It is a heavy time for us and especially for the people of Gaza. We are following the news daily, and we are seeing and hearing the bombing on Gaza from the farm. We are frustrated and sad of what is happening and the world leaders are still silent.
I am not writing a newsletter, it is not the time for it now, but here is a short report:
At the Tent of Nations, we are trying to keep our spirit high and focus on the positives. Yesterday we finished our 13th children’s Summer Camp with 20 children and 13 volunteers. We spent two weeks of activities based on day-to-day planning. I am glad that our international volunteers were motivated, and they worked hard in a difficult situation. Parents were also under pressure, but some of them insisted to send their children to the camp in spite of the difficult political situation. I will send you some pictures, and we made a video and it will be posted on our website as well as on our facebook page.
We started rebuilding the land in the valley where the trees were destroyed. We are trying to do it in a calm way. Our plan within this summer is to prepare the land for planting but also renovate the cave there and create a permanent presence of volunteers there. Since more than three weeks, four of our volunteers are working on daily basis for three hours a day in the valley.
On the legal basis, our lawyer prepared all the paper work, and we are having two legal battles – one in front of the Supreme Court and the other in front of the Military Court.
On the 4th of August we will start with the almond harvest, and we are expecting international volunteers to be part of the camp.
Please keep us in your prayers as we are going through this very dark tunnel.
Daoud Daoud Nassar
Director Tent of Nations -people building bridges-
Tel:+972-(0)2 274 30 71
Fax: +972-(0)2 276 74 46 Cell: +972-(0)522 975 985 E-mail: dnassar@tentofnations.orgwww.tentofnations.org